Friday, April 10, 2015

our first ER visit

as pretty much all of you know via Facebook, we ended up taking Owen to the emergency room early Friday morning. 
and thank goodness we did! 
he was having a full on asthma attack.

Thursday night we let Owen sleep with us. We woke up a few times to him wheezing and used his inhaler right away. It seemed to help for an hour or two then he was right back to rapid breathing and coughing. Around 4:00a.m. I woke up Derek & told him we need to go to the ER because I was getting scared. 
We woke the boys up, got changed, the diaper bag packed and headed off. 

The first two breathing treatments didn't really help Owen at all. 
He got a chest X-ray
Nose swab
and his blood drawn 
Which all those ruled out any yucky sicknesses. the doctor decided it was best to admit him & start an IV. We agreed as silent tears fell down our faces. 
Owen was such a brave little guy. He didn't even flinch when they put the IV in, as I'm taking a walk ugly crying to my mom over the phone. 
The nurses got everything set, Derek & Jake headed home to pack a bag and pass Jake on to Jammy (boys' grandma), and Owen & I headed up to our new room. 

Owen was beyond good the whole entire day until he passed out at 8:30! Even being woke up every couple of hours during the night (breathing treatments & vitals) he was still really good. 

Saturday, we were told we could go home after lunch time! Owen was so excited to go home & see his Jake, he couldn't even eat. 
We had to make a few pit stops first though...the toy store, for being so incredibly good and the pharmacy. Then we went to love on our Jakey! 

Derek and I are so so so thankful for all the visitors, messages & prayers from everyone!! Huge thank you(s) to my mother in-law for taking care of Jake and missing work to do so! my brother in-law for taking care of our fur baby and spending most of his day with us. And my momma for traveling down here and being with us when I needed her the most! 

(we loved this chubby fishy!)

We took the rest of the weekend semi-easy and tried to get back in our routine.  We still have a lot to learn & are keeping a watchful eye over Owen until we can find out his triggers, which can be anything!

"dad mom thanks for taking me to doctors"
such a sweet, brave little boy we have 

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