Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday- husband style

I stole this idea from Esther Norine Designs. I thought it was a cute idea to be thankful for something every week of the year rather just around the holidays. I will attempt to keep this going for at least a year.

Today (and every day) I am thankful for my husband. I'm pretty sure I tell him at least once a week how glad I am to have him in my life. Just yesterday, I called his work number for our cable guy & just the way he said "Hello this is Derek Cain" (something along those lines) just gave me goosebumps! Yes I'm still in the can't eat, can't sleep, reach for the stars, over the fence, world series kind of stuff.
And that's a big deal! Ask my mother & she will tell you I'm not the mushy gushy type.

Short & sweet, nap time is almost over!


Hannah/ Mommarazzi said...

I agree, I too may attempt thankful thursdays :)

Brandi said...

What a sweet idea! Being thankful should be year round, not just around holidays, this is a great reminder of that. Thanks! :)