Monday, September 24, 2012

I'm trying to "spice up" my blog a little bit with a new background...not too sure about it yet.

Any who, my weekend went by way too fast, like usual.

On saturday, I took Owen to the little farmer's market down from our house to get some pumpkins. He loved it there! He picked out his own pumpkin & one for Jake (of course it had to be smaller than his!) I wish I would of taken more pictures there, however chasing my toddler was my top priority.

I also started painting Derek's man cave on saturday!

He wants to do a Buckeye theme so here's the first gray wall! Only three huge walls left...and the bathroom. I'm hoping to find time & get it all done before Christmas so we can decorate :) I have a ton of mantel ideas saved on pinterest that I'm dying to do! The craft store and I are starting to become best friends

About mid way painting through, our doorbell rings. Its at&t. They finally bribed us enough to switch right then & there to their tv service. Not going to lie we hate Dish! They took off my favorite news channel & the Big 10 network. Hello?! no Buckeye games. That is not good in this house!! If you are thinking of getting Dish...please don't, they know how to screw their customers over.

Saturday night we dropped Jake off at grandpa & grandma's house so we could have a mommy, daddy, Owen night. He deserved it! He's been such a big help, learning how to share attention with his brother the past two months and trying to potty train. I really am a proud mommy! We decided to go to the halloween stores and let him pick help him pick out a costume. His choice was minnie mouse (of course!) We got him to try on a few others & settled for a cool spiderman costume. It has big fake muscles and even lights up on the front. He'll definitely be the coolest spiderman on our block.
Saturday night also marks the worse night of sleep ever!!!
Jake and/or Owen were up about every two hours, making Derek and I the most exhausted parents.

Sunday was grocery shopping day. What a horrible idea, everyone & their mother were at Giant Eagle it seemed. Us being the brady bunch, we had two shopping carts, one for kids & one for food. I don't like shopping as a family & I dont like going alone, someone please come do it for me! We did reach $1.00 off a gallon of gas though!! Saving that puppy for our trip home this coming weekend. Which we are super excited for!! This week will drag on because of it. But I better start packing now!

With that being said, I leave you with this cute little smile I captured earlier this morning!

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