Monday, March 5, 2018

I feel like we are due for a little in detail Maks update since we have so many of you praying & cheering him on!

In the past two months, we have been back up to Children's hospital for a neurology visit and a 24 hour EEG. 
The neurology visit was like ones in the past, 3-4 hours long, meeting with several people (speech, PT, OT, psychology, neurologist), and Maks showing them his new achievements. However this one ended with another diagnosis, which we weren't prepared for. We weren't even a half hour into the initial appointment before autism got thrown around. They listed a few characteristics of autism and wanted to test him at the end of our appointment. Us, not knowing anything about autism, agreed to the testing. We weren't too keen on how the test went/the length it took. Just to give you guys an idea, she handed Maks a baby doll (which he's never seen in his short life) and wanted him to throw baby a party. Think plate, cup, make a cake out of play doh, candles, singing...the whole nine yards. It wasn't happening, he was trying to figure out what that baby was! The whole test lasted about 15-20 minutes and a diagnosis was presented. All of Maks' therapists, who know him second best after us, disagree. We were also told if there was another underlying problem (his cerebral palsy), that the test shouldn't be done. So there's that..

Cerebral palsy and seizures kind of go hand in hand, so the EEG was checking out his brain activity for a "normal" day and sleep. We went into it with negative thoughts, but it ended up not being so bad. Derek and I got to eat some food from places we miss & Maks even took a nap! My back is still recovering from the awful pull out couch though. 

More big Maks news is coming!! We have a very important and exciting day Wednesday--stay tuned šŸ˜‰šŸ“ŗ


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