Tuesday, January 5, 2016


happy new year...a few days late!
It was a little bit of a rough start for us. 

we were all sick by the time Christmas break started. pink eye and colds all around! We had missed Christmas with my father in-law, brother/sister in-laws & niece and nephew. We missed the Christmas Eve service at church & Aunt Deb's annual Christmas Eve party. I was determined to have Christmas Day be somewhat enjoyable. 

My parents, grandma, uncle & mother in-law all came over and we had a pretty good day! The puking started a bit later with the big boys and a wet cough from Maks.
Monday came and we decided to take Maks to the walk in clinic at our pediatrician office,just to be safe. By 10:00 Derek had called off work & Maks and I were in an ambulance en route to Wheeling Hospital. 

blood taken, boogers swabbed, an IV put in, oxygen started and a chest x-ray later...they determined it was RSV, pneumonia and bronchiolitis.
we got admitted and headed up to our new "home away from home" 

Meanwhile Derek took Owen and Jake home to arrange someone to watch them & pack over night bags for Maks and I. Thankfully my mother in-law had all week off until Friday. She has been our life saver on more than one occasion! The week was pretty long. Derek had to work, he'd go let the dog out then come visit us for a couple hours. 

Our days were pretty boring mixed with a lot of poking & nurses making him really upset. There was this one specific nurse who happened to be there 
every. single. night.
she really would make him mad and he'd scream until she left the room. As soon as she closed the door he was content. Hahaa such a stinker!
My mom came down Thursday to give my mother in-law a break & Derek finally got to spend the night with us. We rang in the new year by eating Wendy's (the hospital didn't seem to have a soy free menu or willing to help me out--it was tough eating there) and falling asleep by 10:00

My parents took the big boys to my grandpa's house on New Year's Day for a little party with the family. They had such a fun time!

Thank you again so much mom and mom in-law for watching the boys! We really appreciate everything you do for our family :) 

We also got discharged on New Year's Day in the afternoon. I couldn't wait to get out of that room, I was starting to get a little stir crazy + it was the longest I've been away from Owen and Jake.

Fast forward to yesterday morning and Jake wakes up a little worse looking than this 

Ever since we got home, he'd been saying his eye hurts--usually at bed time so we thought he must be tired from a crazy week. Back to the doctors to get him checked out. 
no pink eye 
no scratches on his eye
and nothing in his eye
Yesterday also marked the day that all three of our kids have had x-rays (all within the past 9 months!) 
He got an x-ray of his head and that determined it was sinusitis. Now he is on antibiotics with Maks. 

Needless to say, our Christmas break wasn't very fun. This week is all about getting back into a routine, putting away all things Christmas and relaxing a little bit--starting with a long hot shower!
