Monday, May 25, 2015

nineteen days

or less until Derek & I are parents of three! 
So we decided to finally bust out the painting part of the baby's room. And hubby put the second coat on "my spur of the moment, I thought was a good idea to paint the whole living room"
He just went with it, such a great man I snagged up ;) 

Our big guy had his last day of preschool & has been asking to go back ever since, go figure! He doesn't quite understand the whole summer break thing yet. 

But they sure did like waking up on the first full day of break to ice cream! 
Jake kept telling me "this is awesome mom!" His new favorite word is awesome :) 

we are still busy with baseball season! 
4 more games left, I think. 
Owen rarely uses the tee anymore & can be pitched to :) he tells me his favorite part is running to the bases. 
And throwing up the sign language sign for love, to me in the stands. 
our special thing<3 

we decided to go to Derek's church he grew up in, again this Sunday. Seeing our boys praying at such young ages, melts my heart. Derek & I are raising our boys the best way we feel :) 

There was also a little concert during church this past Sunday. It was pretty great, right up my alley!
The band was called 64 to Grayson. Definitely hope they come back again next year. 

Sunday afternoon we had a little picnic BBQ with some family down by the pond on the farm. I always say it, but I love Derek's side of the family. They really are some of the greatest people. And the of my favorite places to be :) 

we took a pit stop to bark camp this past week too. the boys have been wanting to go to the "beach" Haha
that's as close to the beach as we are going to get for now! 

happy Memorial Day!! 

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