Monday, January 7, 2013

she is my person

I finally got to see my best friends on Saturday!! She's more than my best friend, she's my person.

Brittney & Mo
Aren't they the cutest? I think so!!
I hate that we live an hour away from each other, but its way better than the use to be two hour drive.

Anyway, we had such a good time! I laughed so hard my cheeks hurt.
We definitely needed a night out without the boys. (thanks mom & dad for watching the munchkins!!!)
And to top it off, it was my brothers 25th birthday :)
I had a drink for him. I hope he was partying hard up in heaven!

The new season of the bachelor started 32 minutes ago! Thank goodness for DVR & my hubby for pretending he likes it and watching it with me!



Hannah/ Mommarazzi said...

this is too funny, my sister & I always say "you're my person", she is an exact clone of yang & I tend to be more meredith like. she went in the ER last week & they wouldn't let anyone back and I tried telling the front desk that "i was her person". Glad we aren't the only ones!!

Hannah/ Mommarazzi said...

So not to be creepy, but is that Mo Mann? If so our 6 degrees of seperation just collided.

raisealittlecain said...

It sure is The Mo Mann!! :)
So weird how everyone is connected like that!
How do you guys know each other?

raisealittlecain said...

Haha no one ever understands!!

Hannah/ Mommarazzi said...

My husband &his brother Robbie have been friends since like fourth grade, they all grew up
Together :) his brother is on my blog as "uncle Rob" such a small world!!

raisealittlecain said...

That is awesome they've known each other so long & still are friends :)
I've only recently met the Mann family..ehh almost 2 years ago? I love them though!!

raisealittlecain said...

I accidentally hit the delete button on your last comment :/ but yeah maybe someday we will run into each other! :)